The Ahilya Bal Jyoti School, where many weavers’ children come to learn and grow, is one of REHWA’s important commitments to the community. The school, started in 1989 as a creche, is run primarily with proceeds from REHWA Society. Here, our hardworking teachers provide 240 underprivileged students from Nursery to Class VIII, with the broad education they need to thrive in the world. They also serve a nutritious meal every day to keep the children healthy and active.
The COVID-19 pandemic has impacted every part of the globe, and it’s no different here in our little corner. While our community is staying safe by following the national mandate to stay indoors, our students and teachers cannot come to school. And as the national restrictions on work continue, many weaving families will no longer be able to afford to send their children to school
Please consider offering your support :
$100 (INR 7,500)
will support the nutrition
and education of 10
students for a month
$250 (INR 18,750)
will support the nutrition
and education of 25
students for a month
$500 (INR 37,500)
will support the nutrition
and education of 50
students for a month
Chose your own donation
For Institutional Donors/Educational Trust kindly fill in the below information and we will be happy to discuss on how best you can support :
The Ahilya School’s annual budget of US $17,600 is funded primarily by the proceeds from REHWA Society’s sales. Due to the global COVID-19 pandemic, REHWA is itself struggling to survive and cannot afford to sustain our beloved school.
We need you support to sustain our school for a 6 months long lockdown period.